Opus 03:  Holy Trinity Anglican, Yorkton

Holy Trinity Anglican Church
165 - 2nd Ave North
Yorkton, SK
S3N 1G5
(306) 786-2948


This is a major rebuild of an existing organ. The main windchests were by the Kimball Organ Co., probably around 1880 (tubular-pneumatic) and from a location in Washington state. Additional windchests were built by Gibson and McLaren of Edmonton Alberta in 1965 when they changed the tubular-pneumatic windchests into electropneumatic action and built the console using a Klann switching system. The pipework came from various locations with the Principal ranks most likely from Hill, Norman and Beard. They installed this 11 rank organ in Strathcona Baptist Church, Edmonton Alberta in 1965. The organ was moved from Edmonton and installed in Holy Trinity church in 1989 by Edwin Foidart of Winnipeg who reduced it to 9 ranks. Because of frequent and continuing problems with the organ after its installation, we were contracted to rebuild it. This extensive rebuild, with considerable revoicing and some changes to tonal architecture, was completed in August of 2002. The dedication recital was held October 27, 2002.

The organ now has the following specification:

Swell: expresssive Great: unenclosed Pedal: unenclosed
  • 8’ Hohlflute
  • 8’ Gamba
  • 8’ Dulciana
  • 4’ Principal
  • 2 2/3’ Twelfth (ext. of Gamba)
  • 2’ Salicet (ext. of Gamba)
  • 16’ Swell to Swell
  • 8’ Swell Unison Off
  • 4’ Swell to Swell
  • Tremolo
  • 8’ Principal
  • 8’ Flute
  • 4’ Octave
  • 4’ Flute (ext.)
  • 2’ Fifteenth
  • 16’ Great to Great
  • 8’ Great Unison Off
  • 4’ Great to Great
  • 16’ Swell to Great
  • 8’ Swell to Great
  • 4’ Swell to Great
  • 16’ Bourdon
  • 8’ Flute (Gr.)
  • 8’ Gamba (Sw.)
  • 8’ Great to Pedal
  • 8’ Swell to Pedal